About the Book

Knight, a spiritual teacher and healer, embarks on an exploration into the inner universe, inspiring you to reflect on your own knowledge from a new, deeper, understanding. She tells about her own unexpected spiritual experiences and the answers those experiences unearthed. Sharing groundbreaking insights and long-held secrets, she brings together pieces of the spiritual puzzle from many disciplines across the globe.

Filled with inspiring, uplifting, and empowering examples, Ascension Battlefield utilizes the imagination to create mythology and parables for the inner universe. Weaving ancient wisdom and modern know-how, Knight puts words to that which is beyond human language and sparks new understanding in the process.

Includes bonus meditation audio to download

Introduction Except:
It’s time to bridge your conscious world with the higher knowing of who you are. Allowing ascension
to become a probability for you now. Achieving true inner peace in a modern reality is possible. Spiritual Mastery the way forward.

A wealth of wisdom has awakened within me. A wisdom I never dreamed was possible. In this book I write about my own unexpected spiritual experiences, and the answers these experiences have led me to. I reveal pieces of the spiritual puzzle brought together from many disciplines across the globe, in a way never before done. Groundbreaking insights and long held secrets revealed. There are inspiring, uplifting, and empowering examples utilizing the imagination to create mythology and parables for the inner Universe. Putting words to that which is beyond human language, sparking new understanding. Breathing life into the creative power imagination has, to guide you home to your soul. Enabling you to hear the whispering of your own Spirit. There is an energy held within the words which will light an inner flame.

It is my intention to reach gently into the darkness of your unwanted experiences and feelings. To find a common ground without surprising and scaring the pain. Shining a light where it is needed most. Showing you the map to understanding your multidimensional self, and your own inner Universe. It’s time to know ancient truths for what they are. It’s time to be able to navigate your own way out of the maze of emotional pain, holding you away from being happy, at peace, and living your soul purpose. The way to begin successfully molding your inner reality. Empowering you with the wisdom to lead yourself out of the maze, and onto your path creating a better outer existence.

The inner world is a fascinating world. The secret garden which leads to our higher consciousness…

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Ascension Battlefield

Ascension Battlefield